Cultivation & Development

It all started back in 2018, where I was just selling candles as a side-gig to supplement some income in the summertime. This went on until 2019, during my senior year in college. Under a different name, I felt pretty boxed into doing only one thing, knowing that I could potentially do something greater with my talents. I wanted to pay homage to my spiritual roots from Haiti while finding a space to dedicate my love for art and creativity. Spirituality a big part of my upbringing as a Haitian woman and I wanted to create something to honor those roots.

After many months of trials and tribulations of rewriting different names, LUNASCENCE suddenly came into full fruition, getting down to the nitty-gritty of what it means and what and who it is supposed to serve.

The prefix, Luna—meaning moon—symbolizes energy, which is where mother nature and us as human beings get our energy from, hence why we are often eccentric during “full moon”. The suffix, Scence, symbolizes protection, cultivating and enhancing your senses, and bringing in good spirits. Together, LUNASCENCE brings you confidence and positive energy whichever space you enter.